Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi, the previous post was just for fun. Try clicking the link if you want to.

Today I will be talking about what happened in school today. Started off with the consortiom assembly. Followed by Maths and reccess. After that, it was Language Arts.
We presented our pie chart. Good job to those who presented. It was certainly a good effort. Time flew quickly and soon it was Chinese. We "chanted" the "di zi gui" which consisted of Chinese characters. Some people created some other ways to say the "di zi gui".

Then, it was Science. At first, we were given a test paper but it was our term 1 test paper. Many people were very elated and knew that they could high marks for it.
However, the relief teacher took back those papers and got the last year's test paper. In the meantime, we started doing our weekend assignments.

All in all, I had a wonderful day.

M.U fan wishes everyone a good weekend.

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