Monday, March 8, 2010

S 'n' S: TV Dramas

TV dramas are full of ups and downs, almost always ending on a high note.

I love TV dramas as the plot is exciting and well thought. It always gives the people who watch it anxiety when the antagonist is doing something bad and the protagonist does not know. For example, the antagonist tries to rob the protagonist and he/she is unaware of this. However, almost everytime the protagonist finds out just in time. This makes the audience relieved.

Why are TV dramas so attractive and captivating? It has many ups and downs, like a roller coaster. The show normally ends with something exciting, making the audience anxious to watch the next episode of the drama. The cycle will go on and on until the last episode. In the last episode, it is almost always the most exciting. Once, the the drama ends, another drama will be shown. The cycle will go on and on, over and over again.

I feel that TV dramas are quite enjoyable as one can relax and watch the show happily.


  1. Hi,

    I agree that TV dramas are as such. I feel that there may be 2 or more up and downs in the plot, especially in long ones which has 50 episodes or more. I don't really watch TV dramas but I must agree that when you watch, you will get hooked on it. Just like my sister! :)

    Chan Zhi Xian 2P202

  2. TV dramas all have ups and downs. However, because of this, I feel that TV dramas are very boring. As you have said, it is always the same. The antagonist would cause some trouble and the protagonist is suppose to overcome it. Even thougn this makes the drama more interesting, this is a very common scene. The viewers can usually make intelligent guesses and predict the outcome of the drama. Hence, I feel that almost all TV dramas are similar, and therefore it is not very interesting.

  3. I agree with what Xuan Yu said, however I feel that it is the content of the story which really matters. Even though all TV dramas have the same story line, the way the actors act it out and the script is different. TV shows has different messages it is trying to convey. I feel that a good shows is when the actors really act out their role and the show is interesting. If everyone thinks like Xuan Yu, the TV industry will collapse.

  4. Thanks for all your comments! I feel that there should be a twist in the plot to captivate the viewers and make them eager to watch the next episode of the drama.
