Thursday, May 6, 2010

S 'n' S: Premier League Title

As one can see, my blog post today will be about the Premier League Title.

With only 1 match away, it seems that Chelsea will finally emerge as the champions. They currently have a 1 point lead over Manchester United.

Chelsea against Wigan. It is an easy match for Chelsea. However, I do hope that Wigan will be victorious in this precious match which will decide which team gets the title.

I am utterly disappointed that Liverpool seemed to deliberately lose to Chelsea to allow Chelsea to remain at the top of the league. Gerrard made a weak back-pass to goalkeeper Reina and the ball was intercepted by Drogba who converted the opportunity. After watching the replays, it seemed that Gerrard was "passing" the ball to Drogba. He could see Drogba from the angle he was at and yet he still made a weak back-pass. In the end, Chelsea won.

Liverpool was more willing to lose a match to Chelsea and end their own Champion League spot hopes than lose the title to bitter rivals Manchester United.

All I can do now is hope Chelsea loses at Wigan and Manchester United will take all 3 points against Stoke City.

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